Carrot GPIO
Universal input/output module for remote controls
  • 8 logic inputs
  • 8 logic outputs
  • Receiving and sending 128 commands
  • DB 25 connector
An I/O port for sending a signal to cameras, playback devices, and monitors
Carrot IO SDI capture and output board combines functionality of four independent boards. It is connected directly to cameras of any class, supports video recording in all formats. Compatible with media servers, digital panels and multi-channel real time recording systems.
Professional camera with a high-speed interface up to 12G SDI. Allows a user to create video content and broadcast a stream with up to 4K resolution.
Free warranty lasts 1 year. If something happens during that time, we will fix or replace it for free. Updates are also free of charge. Also you can purchase additional warranty for a longer period.
Contact us if you have any questions about Carrot Broadcast or our products.
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